Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 592

Chuck Norris Joke #592

Chuck Norris floats like a butterfly and stings like a tomahawk missile. At mach 3. In the face.

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2020-11-14 19:47:36

not funny, tomahawks are subsonic missles dumbass, you loose


2020-03-21 17:36:59

Chuck Norris can outrun sonic

John Coosky

2020-03-20 20:36:50

This is pretty lame dude


2020-11-17 20:49:39

Mr. T, Arnold Shcwarzzenger, and Chuck Norris are standing in front of God. God says to them,"I have call you three here because you are the greatest fighters in the world and I have a place for one of you at my right hand. You must prove to me whom of you it shall be." Mr. T steps and says "I pity the fool who doesn't let me sit at His right hand." God tells him that he was not good enough and sends Mr. T to hell. Arnold steps up and says "I was in predator, commando, the terminator. You must choose the governator." God tells him not good enough and sends Arnold to hell. God turns to Chuck Norris and say "Why should you sit beside me?" Chuck quickly proceeds to roundhouse kick God in the face and say "Bitch, your in my seat."