Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 407

Chuck Norris Joke #407

Chuck Norris' dick is so big, it has it's own dick, and that dick is still bigger than yours.

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j twat

2020-03-08 09:11:45

u guys r so fucking lame, get a life because u will never make it as a comedian u pathetic fucking losers

Combat Ninja

2020-01-17 20:26:05

Wtf is upersutted avery?

randall dunn

2020-03-29 21:08:40

chuck norris doesnt use a 9mm a 9mm uses chuck norris


2020-01-16 19:05:51

the girafe was made when chuck noris upersutted a horse

jo momma

2020-04-02 10:35:17
