Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 583

Chuck Norris Joke #583

Chuck Norris belives the hype.

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2020-12-27 21:55:19

Chuck Norris can kill 2 stones wit 1 bird

SGT. Sprinkles

2020-11-13 13:22:27

what the ****? this joke couldnt be funny if Chuck himself round-house kicked it into being funny.


2020-03-10 14:49:27



banana slug

2020-08-09 11:45:12

o.0 u two r perfect for eachother

-banana slug

j dog

2020-03-31 23:19:55

chuck norris will whip you ass if you look at him the wrong way. after wehipping up on you he will have sex with your wife dad brother and dog then roundhouse kick you too the face for even thinking about questioning his authority