Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 514

Chuck Norris Joke #514

Scientists believe the world began with the "Big Bang". Chuck Norris shrugs it off as a "bad case of gas".

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2020-01-16 19:07:29

Chuck Norris doesnt mow his grass, he stands at the window and dares it to grow


2020-01-03 15:14:00

win chuck noris gose hunting he dosint hunt the dear the dear hunts him


2020-10-06 22:37:23

when you see chuck norris with a man its not because he is gay, but because he ran out of women


2020-10-06 16:22:14

They say Jesus can walk on water. Well Chuck Norris can swim through land!

I am Chuck Norris

2020-09-01 21:51:01

Heres a good joke
Kevin Rudd once said to Chuck Norris, 'Fair shake of the sauce bottle mate.' Chuck Norris then proceeded to shove the sauce bottle up his ass and roundhouse kick him in the face.

John McNaughtan - Lyons

2020-11-17 08:03:22

The Earth spins from a constant barrage of roundhouse kicks from Chuck Norris.


2020-11-13 06:00:02

when chuck norris was born the ice age came back


2020-11-13 05:57:14

there are no weapons of mass destruction in iraq. Chuck norris lives in oklahoma.


2020-10-23 19:58:57

Chuck Norris and Mr. T once walked into a bar together. The bar then exploded because not a single building can handle that much awesomeness.


2020-08-04 00:42:30

The bombs dropped on Japan didn't end the war, a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris did.