Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 400

Chuck Norris Joke #400

Chuck Norris runs on batteries. Specifically, Die Hards.

Funny :) Not Funny :(



2020-12-19 14:38:21

shut the fucking hell up before i roundhouse kick your sorry mother fucking asses

John Michael G. Banaag

2020-12-03 06:21:20

for world war there is no need to worry for weapons because chuck norris will care of it


2020-11-11 06:25:46

No! Im Sorry! please dont! Im sorry! im sorry! Please dont!

Juany B.

2020-11-11 06:25:11

Yo u wanna get hurt? ima roundhouse kick ur sorry ass


2020-11-11 06:24:43

Juan stfu

Juany B.

2020-11-11 06:23:24

LADIES! RELAX! There is plenty to go around ;)

Jenny Anderson

2020-11-11 06:22:54

No bitches hes mine!

Ginger Gurl23

2020-11-11 06:22:32

Me Too

Big Hoe

2020-11-11 06:22:14

I wanna Suk ur Dick Juan


2020-11-11 06:21:53

Lol Juan Ur hilarious

Juany B.

2020-11-11 06:21:27

Chuck Norris sued Burger King for not giving him a big mac and won.


2020-02-02 09:43:47



2020-02-02 09:43:26

Tebow kick's Ingrams ass

Adam B

2020-12-21 19:20:41

Roll Tide! Chuck wears Mark Ingram pajamas... Tebow's a cry-baby.


2020-11-29 18:30:17

The only person Chuck Norris is scared of is Tim Tebow(the Florida Gator QB)

And Chuck Norris wore Tim Tebow pjs