Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 380

Chuck Norris Joke #380

"Sweating bullets" is literally what happens when Chuck Norris gets too hot.

Funny :) Not Funny :(



2020-10-29 08:29:16

WHO IS CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!11?


2020-10-29 08:28:16

who is chuck norris?


2020-09-21 11:33:24

chuck norris doesnt shave, he tell the hair get of his face

Tallin Norris A.K.A. Mike Honcho

2020-12-14 16:26:30

Chuck Norris once brought me into his house and showed me how to round-house kick someone.But i was the voluntier so i didnt remember any thing

mike honcho

2020-12-14 16:21:33

Chuck Norris is the real reason why halo exploded

Brennan Graves

2020-12-14 07:56:24

Freddy Kruegar has nightmares about Chuck Norris


2020-10-23 06:26:30

Chuck Norris Is So Scary Death Hides From Him.


2020-08-02 18:10:10

If you ask Chuck Norris "y is y y?" He will shout out "Cuz i said so!" and folled by a roundhouse kick.


2020-08-02 16:23:40

Chuck Norris can beat you in a shooter game with his eyes closed and without even touching the controller.


2020-08-02 16:20:54

The fist behinde Chuck Norris's beard can knock you out. His hand can kill you; but his roundhouse kick can destroy your atoms


2020-08-02 16:17:44

Chuck Norris left the UFC because he never fought. His challengers just rushed him and he roundhouse kicked them. This got borring and he left undefeated.


2020-08-02 16:14:44

Chuck Norris doesn't sleep. He meditates


2020-08-01 22:24:13

Chuck Norris's kick to a man's testicles can cure that man of gayness. Too bad Chuck Norris isn't a dirty fighter


2020-08-01 22:22:23

When kids go to bed, they look in thier closet for the Boogy man. When The Boogy man goes to bed, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris. When Chuck Norris goes to sleep, he checks his closet for the goust of Bruce Lee.


2020-08-01 22:18:32

When Chuck Norris halucinates, he sees Bruce lee tearring out his chest hairs in his sleep.


2020-08-01 22:15:24

The last time Chuck Norris got high the world was 6feet under him.


2020-08-01 22:12:35

Chuck Norris sewed Spider Man for taking his sences and calling it "Spidy sences." Chuck Norris won and it was returned to Norris sence.


2020-08-01 22:09:56

Chuck Norris's Roundhouse to a man's scrotem can cure gayness. Too bad he never fights dirty.


2020-08-01 22:07:20

In Halo3 when you shoot at Chuck Norris he roundhouse kicks the shots back at you and it says you commited suiside.


2020-08-01 22:02:05

I don't know how this guy comes out with all these jokes?! OMG lololololololol!!!!! :}


2020-08-01 21:36:56

MLG came out with competion so Chuck Norris came out with WCL. The members of his leage is him, his self, his left leg Law and right leg Order,and his beard. Unlike MLG thier favorite weapons are a roundhouse kick, a 1-hit kill, and a deadly stare. They make more money than MLG and if you competed with WCL you get you statis removed


2020-08-01 21:28:03

If you play against Chuck Norris in COD4 or COD5 and just camp and hide he will roundhouse kick you from across the map


2020-08-01 21:25:03

If your playing COD4 or COD5 and you get 100 kills; Chuck Norris will come out of nowhere and roundhouse kick you and you will not be able to respawn for the rest of the match.


2020-08-01 21:21:08

Chuck Norris is the only person in the world that has Halo3:ODST without befriending a bungie employee


2020-08-01 21:19:18

Chuck Norris is the only person in Halo3 that know how to make thier character do a roundhouse kick in Matchmaking that kills the opposing team


2020-08-01 21:12:24

John117 was going to the USNC base in his spartan armor to join the fight. He walked though the forest trail through Seira117 and a man came out a tree and roundhouse kicked him in the face. Then the man took him armor and went along the way. Sargent Johnson was the recruiter. He went up to Johnson and Johnson asked him for his name. The man looked at the recruiting list and said "im John117." Johnson took off the man's helmet and said "Your Chuck Norris." Johnson pulled out him magnum and said "Your trasspassing!" Chuck Norris yelled at in a blood lust roar"Your going to beleive that im John117 or else i'll roundhouse kick you into retirement nigga!!" Johnson agreed with him. Chuck Norris than smiled and said "thats a good bitch." That why Chuck Norris is Master Chief


2020-08-01 20:55:03

If you get the special edition of Halo3:ODST you not only get Johnson; you also get a special gun that he uses. The Video was on Youtube and it was banned. In the Video Sargent Johnson is being used in FireFight. He fires a large cannon and Chuck Norris comes out and kills the Covenent wave with 1 roundhouse kick


2020-08-01 20:45:54

"Halo4 Spoiler"

Master Cheif and the Arbitor are camputed. The USNC losses hope and Chuck Norris Comes out of the middist. He fights to save Chief and Arby; then he roundhouse kicks the last profet of his chair and falls of into the abbys. The Covenent make peace then makes peace with earth. "The End"


2020-08-01 20:40:22

Chuck norris never dies. He respawns behind your person and roundhouse kicks them


2020-08-01 20:31:03

In The Return of the Dragon Chuck Norris didn't die. He woke up some years latter with vengence on his shoulder. He took a gun and a suit; then he went to go shoot Bruce Lee. The Mafia took the credit because they knew that people didn't think chuck Norris was around anymore till he roundhouse kicked them and put it on Youtube


2020-08-01 20:25:21

Chuck Norris never became a Spartan because his genetics is "too perfect". That's why his younger brother John was picked; but he never kicked as much ass as Chuck Norris


2020-08-01 20:22:24

When Chuck Norris plays Halo3 he always gets a perfection in Matchmaking.


2020-08-01 20:18:10

Chuck Norris never runs out of bullets because he sweats them and reloads his guns whith them


2020-05-08 07:49:30

keep back 400 feet