Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 55

Chuck Norris Joke #55

CNN was originally created as the "Chuck Norris Network" to update Americans with on-the-spot ass kicking in real-time.

Funny :) Not Funny :(



2020-07-21 00:12:18

chuck norris made the earth spin on an axis


2020-07-21 00:11:21

Chuck Norris doesn't fly, he just roundhouses the earth

Banana Slug

2020-10-25 19:47:34

thank god i put

-banana slug

at the end of my last comment

-banana slug


2020-08-22 03:59:55

nice one idiot

banana slug

2020-08-09 12:05:47

forgot to put

-banana slug

at the end of last comment

-banana slug

banana slug

2020-08-09 12:05:15

wow that's a good one


2020-04-05 13:39:36

Chuck Norris once ate a 100-ounce steak in an hour. He spent the first 45 minutes doing the waitress.