Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 146

Chuck Norris Joke #146

Chuck Norris built a better mousetrap, but the world was too frightened to beat a path to his door.

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2020-05-30 05:27:24

MC Hammer found out that Chuck Norris CAN touch this


2020-05-07 21:28:34

volcano=chuck norris after a bowl of chili


2020-05-02 14:44:11

when freddy crooger goes to sleep he has nightmares of chuck norris


2020-03-17 17:59:41

a blind man stepped on chuck norris' shoe and chuck norris said, "do you know who i am, i'm chuck norris!" suddenly the man could see but the first and last thing he saw was chuck norris' foot doing a roundhouse kick to his face!


2020-03-05 22:29:59

Chuck Norris knows Victoria's Secret.


2020-01-18 18:39:32

Elmia Earnhart did not disappear, Chuck Norris just got hungry as a baby, teleported to her plane and devoured her whole.


2020-12-20 07:27:11

Chuck Norris is a freaking pansy. He has no life and no muscles. He needs to die. Mac Grant is way better

Keith Johnson

2020-09-25 10:39:19

Chuck Norris was once walking in the woods when he was confronted by a bear who wanted to eat him all Chuck did was show the bear his fist and the bear started to eat him self.

Lord X

2020-09-12 20:49:37

Chuck beat his own path. Nobody followed.