Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 214

Chuck Norris Joke #214

Chuck Norris shot the sheriff, but he round house kicked the deputy.

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2020-12-21 11:15:33

These jokes are funny, you ppl should make more of them!!!


2020-10-29 16:57:42

Chuck norris does not own a lawnmower, he points at the grass and dares it to grow.

Danny Jet

2020-06-23 20:29:26

Chuck Norris can see.... when blindfolded.

Danny Jet

2020-06-23 20:29:26

Chuck Norris can see.... when blindfolded.

John Saunders

2020-06-23 20:22:14

Chuck Norris doesn`t look for landmarks because they look for him

John Saunders

2020-06-23 20:22:14

Chuck Norris doesn`t look for landmarks because they look for him


2020-09-28 08:37:09

Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice.

Andrew Kline

2020-01-28 09:39:55

Chuck Norris never carries around a gun. He just throws the bullets at people.

chris joey

2020-03-07 21:07:43

that was rad guy