Chuck Norris Jokes > Chuck Joke 178

Chuck Norris Joke #178

Some kids play Kick the can. Chuck Norris played Kick the keg.

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Kyle ^.^

2020-05-13 06:17:23

This one's so boring that whoever made it should "Kick The Bucket" :D .... and so should Victior

Klacker lOl

2020-04-17 19:33:27

i have to agree with the ninja kid. Victior, your joke sucks, is pointless, and half of that stuff i can do with a hand behind my back. DONT TYPE IN YOUR NAME WHEN YOU POST A COMMENT FUNNY NESS HAPPENS

Klacker lOl

2020-04-17 19:31:52

I play kick the chuck norris. But i ended up very confused under water near chilè

Combat Ninja

2020-01-17 20:24:23

Victior your joke sucked balls and you misspelled Sony twice.

Sgt. sprinkles

2020-11-16 03:55:29

victoir, that was too long to be funni


2020-08-01 12:19:40

Chuck Norris liked the Xbox360 so much that when Sonny came out with the PS3 with blu-ray; He made a plan. This was to go to Sonny, find the people who had the blue prints of the consel, and roundhouse kicked them. They gave him a copy of it. That's why the PS3's new motion controller sucks more than the Natal Project. In 2012, Chuck Norris will Give Microsoft the blue prints so the Xbox360 consel can finaly have blu ray definition


2020-11-18 18:23:52

noob cake